Most of my post-flash motion work has been on behalf of two companies: As Senior Digital Designer with AAA Club Alliance (previously) and currently as Digital Design Manager with Police and Fire Federal Credit Union. Generally, these pieces are in the form of social media posts, conference presentations, inter-office screen-savers, and website instructional spots. Please reach out to see my current work.
Tools: PS, AI, AE, PR, AU, FL

AAA Club Alliance Overview
I was asked to create a video in which AAA's story could be told in less than three and a half minutes.  I edited a narrative out of various components including a ton of v.o., existing commercials, newly shot footage and motion graphics (some by me), stock and the scoring of numerous pieces of music.

Approved Auto Repair
This was intended to let members know, in a light informal way, that some shops are more worthwhile than others (namely those granted the seal of AAA's approval).

AAA's Financial Services
This campaign was all about educating members per the "right" way to buy a car (loan first, THEN purchase).

MORE IS MORE Internal Use Campaign Video
AAA's AOR (Agency of Record) came up with a nifty campaign concept ("More is MORE") and my job was to create a video elaborating on that concept in order to "socialize" the employees to this new "disruptive" marketing approach. This was for internal usage only - it used various elements from social media sources such as time lapse clouds, Dinty Moore cans and floating balloons. Terry Gilliam's silly Python animations inspired my approach.

AAA Year in Review Comic Book Movie Trailer
Usually at year's-end, AAA produces a conservative-looking internal-facing book elaborating on how the company's goals were met or exceeded. Somehow my colleague Dave White was able to convince the powers-that-be to try something different and present this info instead in comic book form using his own style. My job was to create a teaser trailer which preceded the book's release.

AAA Insights GPS:30
The Cincinnati marketing team was filmed road testing WAZE, Apple and Google Maps to see which had the best features and which performed best. I was handed all the raw footage and told to make a video out of it. This is the 30 Second version.

AAA Insights GPS:90 
The Cincinnati marketing team road tested WAZE, Apple and Google Maps to see which had the best features and performed best. I was handed all the raw footage and told to make a video out of it. This is the 90 Second version - a bit more involved than the 30 sec teaser above. Being that this was an elaboration of the documentary feel hinted at in the 30 sec, I "scored" the music using stock "stems" and spent a fair share of time in Adobe audition. ​​​​​​​

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